Friday, January 18, 2013


Assalammualaikum wbt :)

Nothing much to say than just want to thank Illahi for today. He makes everything goes out so perfect. Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah. Thank you for making things easier for me. Thank you for helping me when I'm so in need. Thank you for the result. Thank you for making me passed the test. Thank you for the pointer. Thank you, Ya Allah. Thank you.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Hi, its Two-Thousand-Thirteen!

Assalammualaikum wbt :)

Happy Belated New Year perhaps? Since this post is quite late for a new year post. Hihi my bad. So, yeah its 2013. I know, you know and we all know. Another year where we got the chance to stil breath in His world. I don't really have a 2013 wishlist but still I have wishes but they're just not in the list but whatever.

Here, 2013 that means i'm nineteen. Yeah nineteen isn't too old. Because I'm sweet nineteen not sixteen and I am forever sweet. Hahaha attempting to make a joke but it went so lawakhambar. Hihi for the serious thing is I don't know what to write which I know I'm not actually writing bcs I'm typing. I know.......... *sigh*

I'm not hoping 2013 to be awesome/good/nice/great/kind and etc. But I'm just hoping that Allah will help me to go through this year. Pray that I will be a good servant of Him. In shaa Allah. May He ease everything. Amin Ya Rabb.

To everyone,
Forgive me for my past mistakes. Do tell me if I have any debt so I can pay you back. Thank you and sorry.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri :)

Assalammualaikum. Im hereby to wish muslimin muslimah Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Its kinda late actually but still in the month of Syawal aite? So, it ain't a big deal aite? Aite aite? Hihi ;) So, i am sorry for all of mistakes which concious and unconciously hurt your feelings. For all of mu unpleasant behaviour and saying. I am really sorry for all of that. I hope you can forgive me.

Wuhuuu enough talking. Syawal 2012 is actually a new Syawal experience for me. Because for the first time, I celebrate my Syawal only a week at Ampang then I have to go back to UIA. What a sad life isn't it? Hmm :( But after all, im so grateful because this Syawal i've got the oppurtunity to visit my relatives's houses and also my late grandparents of my father's side's graves. Al-Fatihah

May Allah gives us the oppurtunity to meet Ramdhan and Syawal again for the upcoming years. Till then. Take care and be safe! Assalammualaikum :)

Hihi tu buah hati kite #FirstDaySyawal :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Assalammualaikum muslim and muslimah :)

Alhamdulillah, we meet Ramadhan again. Now, ladies and gentlemen......

  • No EATING! For sure lah kannnnn.
  • No DRINKING! For sure jugeeeee.
  • No FIGHTING! Haiyakkkkk!
  • No mengumpat thing! Conserve and preserve your tongue :)
  • No 'together' thing. If you know what i meannnnn :3
  • Do lower your eyes. Not seeing bad things.
  • Do loads of sunat things.
  • Recite Quran.
  • Tarawih. As we only get a chance to do it only in month of Ramadhan.
  • Helping / Sedekah 
  • Do 5 times prayer everyday on time.
  • And otherssssss
Just to let you know, every good deeds we do in the month of Ramadhan, the pahala will be more. But yet, be ikhlas when you do it. Do it LillahiTaala :)

' Sekiranya umatku mengetahui kebaikan di bulan Ramadhan, mereka pasti mengingkan sepanjang tahun adalah Ramadhan ' - Rasulullah SAW

Just sharing. Assalammualaikum :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I am a student :)

Assalammualaikum :)

It have been quite long silent in my blog. Haha im sorry for not updating it since few months ago. Lazy isn't the prior reason but actually it's more to no time. I don't really have much free time although my schedule isn't pack. Haha call it an excuse instead of reason! :D

Sooooo, HERE WE GO!

I'm currently studying in CFS IIUM. Wondering what's that huh? Haha that's a shortform for Centre for Foundation Studies International Islamic University Malaysia OR Universiti Islam Antarabangsa. Haaaa kan senang! :D Present is doing Bachelor in English there. Well, tak mampu nak amik course yg tough as my result so like pfffttttt! -,- Haha praise to Allah for letting me be in IIUM as it was one of my dream university since I was in form 3. Alhamdulillah :)

Must be some of you wondering how can I get into IIUM padahal result cam gampang. Anyone? Yeahhh here's the answer. It's because Allah want me to be there! Satisfied????! :D For sure that's the reason why was I being accepted there but there was another reason. At first, i didnt get any offer from any university for my UPU intake. But then, i've made the rayuan. And then, how lucky I was to get a phone call from IIUM telling me that I got accepted there :) Terus buat sujud syukur bhai! Hihi that's the story.

So, questioning how's my life going on so far? Yess, it was and it is going on well so far. But ya noe, new place, new life, new experiences. Yet, im happy to be there. Class isn't pack, food isn't so delicious but still okay, mamatsss handsome belambak. Haha thanks to Allah for everything :)

Guess that's all i wanna story. Till then people. Love you. Assalam :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Classmates, I Miss You Guiseeee :)

Holla! Its been almost a month I leave school. Like whattt? Im not a school girl anymoreeeee! Yeay! What a great pweaaaasuree in my life yoww! :D #MUKA BANGGA HABIS NI. But I just can't hide the truth that I miss my crazy-awesome-anoyying-rock-classmates ever! Haha I miss them like so damn crazeeeehhhh! Haha wondering when are we going to meet again? My wedding eh? Hahaha LoLjkjk! Know what, my class is the most rock class I ever had. I mean my Awesome Final Year. My 5 Science 3! Yess we are Science student, does we always have to be good super duper nice when you are a science student? Hell-No! We rocks the school. We not totally rock it up but you know we rock! Yeahhh yeahhh n.nv We've been labelled as The Bad Science Stream Ever! Like who cares, live your own life lah wey! I miss my class mates eventho I might be dumped over most of the time like I've been so kena PALAU. -,- but I do miss those annoyers. Sorry guys! I've got enemy, best friends, and superb friend in that class. Standard lah kan? Isn't like you're in a same class so you have to be nice with everyone right? Sometime, I fake a lot! Hahaha you mess me up, then I mess you back. Haha I miss gossip time, buli cikgu Add Math time, gaduh time, and every single time in that class. That class really give me moments. I miss my Tutorssssss. I do admit Im one of the dummiest girl in that class, so I have tutors to teach me. Auwww so much thanks to My baby Syahira, My awesome Salwani and My gorgeous Ain. Did I miss anyone? Ha okay so thanks everyone! Can't wait to meet you guiseee again. Like again and again and again.
My AWESOME Classmates! :D *Graduation 2011

 I miss this :( *GRADUATION

Well guys, Im just hoping that we will stay friends forever. Pray for your success and life :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Never End

Best friends,
A big fight we had today might be one of the moment we had together. When we get older, we'll be chilling out together and recalling our moments. That's when we laugh for our brilliancy, idiocy, jokes and all of the stuff we used to be. For the sake of our friendship, don't take this deep down your heart. Don't ever think this is the end because there will never be an ending for our friendship. This is my promise. Will you trust me again? Just don't ask whether I still love you because the heart inside will never stop loving you. Both of you are my precious treasure I've treasured in my life. I put on life for this friendship. Don't ever tell me our friendship will lasts. All I know is, our friendship will only lasts FOREVER. There will be no backstabs. Trust me, NO. If there will be any fight, just take it as a test from Allah. We take it and leave it. I might be the one who always pick up fight but trust me i regret it. I might be immature and thanks for the advice. I'll be locking them in my mind. But sometimes people do mistakes. Im begging thousands sorry for having fight in our friendship. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for accepting me back in this life. We will always stay three. Stay forever. Ya Allah, please let we stay forever in this friendship. Avoid us from anything that will lead us to the ending. Strengthen our Iman and patience. I begg, Ya Allah. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.